By | January 3, 2012


GEETA JAYANTHI – 23-12-2012 Photos


Praying for the sake of World Peace, Mukkoti Ekadasi and Gita Jayanthi – 23.12.2012, Sunday 12 to 3 noon

Programme :-

21.12.2012 – It is very well advertised that the world is going to be destroyed on this day. Who is responsible for this, for what reason, how – all these we know little, we do not know little. But, a kind of thinking and fear is there. For those who have held on to Bavishyath Bramha Anjaneya, this type of thinking and fear will not be there.

So, on 23.12.2012 Sunday,on account  of Vaikunta Ekadasi and Gita Jayanthi ( my Guru’s birthday ) and for world peace, at Sanjeevini Peetam, Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam will take place early morning at 4.45 a.m and from 12 to 3 noon, parayanam of all 18 chapters from Bhagavath Gita will be done and rendered to Anjaneya because, they say that at the time when Sri Krishna Bhagawan taught Bhagavath Gita to Arjuna, Hanuman who was on the flag, forgetting Himself totally heard everything. Because of this, by doing parayanam of all 18 chapters with complete bhakthi, let us seek His blessings. All are welcome.

21.12.2012 – Regarding destruction, He will look into it – we do not want so much risk. What has to happen will never go without happening. Within this we will atleast earn little ————.

Mathaji Kanya Kumari


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BIRTH OF BHAGAVATH GITA–Margasira Suddha Ekadasi–6.12.2011 [English]

    Bhagavath Gita Prardhana
Om pardhaya prathibodhitam  Bhagavatha Narayanena swayam
Vyasena gradhitam purana  munina madhye Maha Bharatham
Adhvaitamruta varshineem  Bhagavatheem Ashtadasadyayaneem
Amba twamanusandadami  Bhagavath Geethe Bhavadweshineem
The Bhagavath Gita contains divine words emanating from the lips of God Himself.  Its glory is infinite,unlimited.  None can really  describe it.  Gita contains the essence of all the four  Vedas. Even though the  style is so simple and elegant, the thought behind those words is so deep that even a lifelong constant study does not show one the end of it. The virtues, glory, essential character, truth,  mystery,  worship of God,  topics of action and knowledge have been discussed in the Gita. By taking a plunge [holy dip ] in the sacred waters of the Ganga and through the practice of japa of the Gayatri, man attains liberation,no doubt,whereas the student of Gita liberates not only himself but others as well.
                 The Gita is a perfect quality example [epitome ]of all the scriptures and Gita always emphasises on practice. The complete essence of this Bhagavath Gita cannot be got even after the mastery of Gita but  only by repeated practice in our daily lives.Mastering Gita 108 or 1008 times is of no use.Whatever statements have been made in it are true to the very letter.Atleast follow one word  from this and experience the essence of it.
                 Gita always emphasis on limited food, sleep and work.Before practising Gita definitely follow these instructions. Inspite of practising this in our daily lives, we  do  experience  difficulties  of  the  past  karma, but the rest of our lives should be spent in a useful way like I do. It is my desire and wish that all of you will definitely follow my path and mould your lives according to its teachings.
Margasira Suddha Ekadasi   — Birth of Gita.
                  I am truly blessed that i too am born on this land ,where the Gita has taken its birth and for this i must have done a lot of good deeds in my past birth.
I consider Gita my ”MOTHER, FATHER  and  GURU”.

Practise Gita,experience peace and prosperity coming into your lives.With constant meditation and Hanuman smaranam i wish you all the best in your present and future.
– Mathaji  Kanya Kumari

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