2012, HANUMATH KALYANAM (30-5-2012, 6pm) 27th year

By | May 31, 2012

Sri Nandana Nama samvastcharam 30th may 2012 6pm (Jyeshta Suddha Dasami) Sri Suvarchala Anjaneya Kalyanam  conducted at SANJEEVINI PEETAM,chennai.


Although it is unbelievable, it is a fact. The details of this celestial event are found in the manuscript written by Parasara Maharishi in his book Parasra Samhita. Sri Parasara Maharishi had written the life history of Lord Hanuman from his birth and goes on to depict his life even after the Ramayana.

According to Parasara Maharishi, Hanuman had worshipped Surya Bhagwan (the Sun god) as his Guru and studied the Vedas and mastered the Nine Vyakarnas. Being an Aajanma Brahmachari, Lord Hanuman was not eligible to study the Nava Vyakarnas(nine grammers) for which the status of being a Gruhasthu was essential. In order to facilitate the completion of his education, the Trimurthis approached Surya Bhagwan and created a beautiful Kanya, Suvarchala Devi, an Aajanma Brahmacharini, from the Sun’s Kiranas(rays) and arranged a marriage with Hanumanji to make him a Gruhasthu without Brahmacharya being affected. Whereby he learnt and became a genius in the Nine Vyakarnas. These details can be found in Parasara Samhita.