Kaliyuga Anjaneya swamy (Real Lord Hanuman in the Himalayas)

By | August 13, 2011


The story goes with this picture: someone accidentally came face to face with Lord Hanuman ji in 1988 ,without wasting any time he took pictures and died right there.His camera fell aside, so someone brought his camera and printed the pictures and circulated this picture of Lord Hanuman in Himalayas.

Kaliyuga Hanuman & Hanuman Mathaji 2014 @ Haridwar



One can feel the presence of Lord Hanuman by chanting Rama  Rama Rama Rama Rama by sitting in their own places,rather than visiting Himalayas for His darshan – Hanuman Mathaji

Lord Hanuman is Chiranjeevi, meaning He is very much living on this earth even today, constantly watching us, always with us and beside us. We are indeed lucky ( bhaghyasali). Even though many of us know this fact, we still don’t know exactly how i.e. we still don’t know the way to search for the Lord and locate His presence. So,a 40 day ( mandalam ) DEEKSHA will help us to constantly remember Him every minute, there by getting us more affectionate and closer to Him, making it definitely possible for us to locate His presence.

Only for devotees who follow this DEEKSHA, their samskaram ( character ) will improve doubly . We will become big hearted, broad minded, mentally mature and get clarity in differentiating between do’s and don’ts, good and bad. This is said because, when we undertake Deeksha, Lord Hanuman is always next to us, guiding us in the correct way. When we follow Deeksha with this intention, committing mistakes is impossible. Wearing saffron dress or applying sindooram is not Deeksha. We should not dislike anybody. We should not give others an opportunity to blame or abuse us in any way. This is Deeksha. Observe Lord Prasanna Anjaneya Swamy everyday for 10 minutes from head to toe and toe to head. This is Deeksha. Share the vibrations, feelings and experience you get after observing the Lord with others. This is Pooja. Following this type of Deeksha is more than enough. Definitely the Lord will be happy, delighted and give us darshan. We too can identify Him. We get enlightened ( gnanam ) by following this type of Deeksha, which has some meaning.

The oath ( promise ) undertaken by all of us to follow this Deeksha, will definitely be helpful for the society. Character and Deeksha go hand in hand. Character plays a very important role for a person wanting to take up Deeksha. Before taking Deeksha, there should be some amount of samskar ( good character ) in a person. Only then he is eligible to take up Deeksha. Changes in one’s character can be introduced by themselves at least a few days before undertaking up Deeksha and should definitely continue life long even after the Deeksha period is over. Disciplined life for 40 days and fear for God will 100% bring about changes in a person’s character wanting to take up Deeksha, without allowing him to commit any furthur mistakes lifelong. Any person wanting to wear Deeksha mala should have his character restructured, if necessary, thereby not giving others a chance to pinpoint at him.

Is it not ?

If changes for the good are not introduced, all these rules and regulations for Deeksha and taking up repeated yearly mandala Deeksha are of no use. It has no value. Like it is said ‘ only a pure cloth will accept any colour dye when added to it”. Identifing Hanuman devotees is difficult. Seeing anybody with Hanuman Deeksha is more difficult. I say this because, Hanuman is an embodiment of divine qualities like uniqueness, goodness, skillful speaking, humbleness, politeness, knowledge, understanding, genius. On the whole He is known for His sterling character.
The above said qualities can be observed in a person who takes up Deeksha, making him eligible for Deeksha. Hanuman Himself looks for all these characters in a person who undertakes Deeksha. There are not too many people with all these characters. Hanuman waits to give anugraham to such people.

We would have committed a number of mistakes which is considered our Poorva Janma Karma phalam. The day we get closer or nearer to Hanuman, from that minute itself we feel slightly relaxed. After we have experienced our Prarabhdha karma, never start committing papams again. Start accumilating more of punyam. We can observe changes in us once our papams decreases and punyam increases. Once this stage is reached, we start thinking more intelligently. Wait for this minute and you will be considered eligible for Deeksha.

On the whole this is what i want to say –”In Bhagavath Gita, 12th chapter, like Sri Krishna says –start developing Adhveshta qualities i.e develop qualities where atleast 10 people will start appreciating you”. THIS IS DEEKSHA. This type of Adhveshta Deeksha though difficult, if practised for 1 mandalam is enough and very much appreciable. Our janma becomes fulfilled and more superior.
This type of Deeksha will surely continue lifelong, making you a role model, a real Hanuman devotee and appreciated by many .
Hanuman is a God who comes to you when you call Him. Call Him during this Deeksha period, He will 100% come to your house directly. Believe me i promise you. This is possible. He is watching everything ( including what i am writing ). Definitely He will give Anugraham. Try calling Him .

Golden Words 1. Imagine Hanuman is your son and give him your
best affectionate service for 5 days.  The promise
he gave his mother (Anjana devi) will be definitely
given to us also. Try and see the result. Just think Lord HANUMAN is a family friend ,say your problem 5 times. Then get a solution for it. Just think Lord HANUMAN  is a best friend. Share your secrets get relax.One may acquire power and position in life through a little but concerted effort but the wisdom to put the same to proper use canbe acquired only by a pure and grateful mind that has surrenderedat the feet of the Lord Hanuma through prayers offered in the hallowed precincts of His Sannidhi. Try for yourself.- With constant thinking about Hanuman
Your’s Mathaji. Kanya kumari.

There are four yugas widely accepted in Hinduism. They are :
1.Satya yug
2.Treta yug (Ramayana)
3.Dwapara yug(Mahabharata)
4.Kal yug(Present)

In Satya yug, the figtht was between two worlds (Devalok & Asuralok). Asuralok being the evil, was a different WORLD.
In Treta yug, the fight was between Rama and Ravana. Both rulers from two different COUNTRIES.

In Dwapara yug, the fight was between Pandavas and Kauravas. Both good and evil from the SAME FAMILY.

Kindly note how the evil is getting closer. For example, from a DIFFERENT WORLD to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY to the SAME FAMILY.

Now, know where is the evil in Kaliyug???
It is inside us. Both GOOD AND EVIL LIVE WITHIN. The battle is within us. Who will we give victory to, our inner goodness or the evil within??

Think, identify and fight the evil…Within!!

He is also known by the names Pavanasuta, Marutsuta, Mahavira (because he exhibited several heroic feats), Bajrangabali, Pavankumar,
Balibima and Maruti. Hanuman was the Avatara of Lord Siva.

Hanuman possessed devotion, knowledge, spirit of selfless service, power of celibacy, and desirelessness.
He never boasted of his bravery and intelligence. The world has not yet seen and will not see in future also
a mighty hero like Sri Hanuman. During his life he worked wonders and exhibited superhuman feats of strength and valour.
He has left behind him a name which, as long as the world lasts, will continue wielding a great influence over the minds of millions of people.

It is believed that he who meditates on him and repeats his name attains power, strength, glory, prosperity and success in life.
He is worshipped in all parts of India

 Hanuman Chalisa Mahima – Mathaji Talk

Hanuman is the only disciple of Lord Rama and got the boon of Hug of Rama. In Ekadasa Rudrasa, Lord Hanuman is Ajaikapada Rudra. Hanuman is the one who has tremendous Buddhi Balam (power of Intellectual) and Bahu Balam (power of courage). He is the only one who helps the real sevakas. He becomes wild when any harm is done to his sevakas. In Shri Rama Rahasyopanishath, Lord Hanuman has taken an oath that his devotees will be always be safeguarded by from all the troubles faced by them. Even Lord Shri Rama also said that whosoever worships his priyasishyas Hanuman will also be blessed by him. The great epic SundaraKanda says that, during the bad period of Sita matha in Lanka,when she was in a Dharma Sankata, Lord Hanuman consoled her with a lot of moral support. So Sita matha booned Lord Hanuman with AshtaSiddhas &NavaNidhis. The Upasakas of Lord Hanuman, The Great Emperor of RamaBhakta Kingdom will also be under the Anugraha of Sita Matha.These words are written in the epic Parasara Samhita. Rudramsa Sambhuta,Lord Hanuman`s shakti can`t be predicted by the evils or any enemies. The word fear is also fear to utter the name of Lord Hanuman.


In Hanuman Chalisa & Hanuman Bahuk, Saint Tulasi Das said that:
Those who perform the Hanuman Seva will be showered with the blessings of swamy very easily. He accompanies his devotees always to boon them with all good images in their life. Rendering the qualities of Hanuman will strengthen us to drive away all the hurdles faced in our life. Also when surrendered ourselves to the almighty and doing the Rama Nama Japam in all the ways of our life will enables us to be under the showers of the Lord and he will be the AbhayaVara Pradhata.
The above wonderful and enlightening words were given out by the Great Saint Tulasi Das must be blindly believed by every one without any hesitation. So I feel that wholeheartedly and immediately inculcate virtue of worshipping our Great Global God and find the solution for all sorts of problems and make your life as “ JanmaSarthakatha”, the eternal goal.


Aradhana Phalam(fruitfulness of worshipping)
. Bhagwan has given the words, so it is Bhagawath Gita. Bhagavan heard the words, so it is Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam. They are very powerful. Similarly, Saint Tulasi Das`s Hanuman Chalisa was also heard and blessed by our Great RamaBhakta Hanuman. Hence it is also equally
powerful and also has great Shakti to enlighten us in the right path. Though there may be many correction in our Bhakti but in Hanuman Shakti there are no other words to spell out. In Universe, there is no other god, than our Lord Hanuman. Hanuman Upasakas , if they utter any words (good) the situations emerge true. So Hanuman Upasana & Hanuman Pooja & Hanuman Seva has a lot of vibrations and shakti. In Kaliyuga, there is no seva other than Hanumanth Seva for the people to transit themselves , realize and possess the sacred heart. Rendering Hanuman Manthra in the all the time(365 days) will helps us to benefit ourselves with 7 crores Maha Manthras and also truely we get Hanuman Sakshathkaram. There is no doubt in it.


Surrendering at the feet of Lord Pavana Kumara, Samprokshana of mind to be like a mirror, awareness of our body which is full of all Gunas, rendering and describing the sacred and glory of Great Shri Ram,
We can be freed from all the calamities in our life.


Lord Hanuman`s quality of knowledge is like a MahaSamudra (ocean). He enlightens the universe in all yugas.He is embided with wealth of courage and strong body. He drives the bad virtues in us and helps the people who have good virtues and attitudes. He is a great Vidwamsa and also the origin to create the good path. He has a great power in him. He is always the first to serve every RamaKaryams(tasks of Lord Rama). In SukshmaRupa, he saw Sita Matha, In VikataRupa, he lit the island Lanka & In AtiBhayanakaraRupa, he killed Asuras and fulfilled the whol e RamaKaryam. He brought the medicinal tree Sanjeevini and gave life to Lakshmana. He is lovely acclaimed as equivalent to Lord Rama`s brother Bharatha by Rama and was blessed by him that in future Hanuman`s glory will be admired by thousands of people. These words are truly given by Lord Rama. Even Bramha and other Adi Devatas can`t reach him to describe his glory. Hanuman`s helping nature was proved in helping Sugriva. Lord Hanuman made Vibhishana, the King of Lanka. He is the great BahuBala Sampanna who flew high in the sky to swallow the sun as soon as he was born.”In the world, if we have your blessings there is nothing possible to do’. To prove this he has shown by crossing over the Satha Yojana Samudra (ocean). As far as Lord is blessing us, we need not fear of anything or anyone. He is the only one who has the power to control all the Shakti.
Hanuman Nama Japa will also help us to keep away from all kinds of ill health and drives the shadow of evil spirits. Hanuman is a great courageous Lord . In four yugas, always he is a sevaka of all RamaKaryams, canvasses the Mahima of RamaNama, performs all impossible things possible with RamaShabdam.
I wish you all to learn the Artha (meaning) of Hanuman Chalisa, during the parayana feel the eternal presence of Hanuman and acquire his blessings. If it is done with fullfledged Bhakti and Belief, we can visualize the image of Shri Sita Rama Lakshmana sahita Anjaneya in our hearts for ever. In this I attribute that there is absolutely no doubt.
I feel the immense pleasure and happy to inform to you all that I completed  4,50,000 times of parayana of Hanuman Chalisa. I went through a great feelings . Still a great great flow of happiest experiences are flown in me. The ultimate goal of mine is to do seva of the Lord in every moment of my life. So I feel that I am still a learner for every moment.


In Kaliyuga, Hanuman is the Kalpavriksha.Hanuman is Kamadhenu for me. To fulfill all my desire, Hanuman is Chintamani. So I have no sorrows- no fears. So I wish you also do worship Lord Hanuman and drench yourselves in the shower of his blessings.

Hanuman Smaranams

NOTE: The words of truth mentioned above are only for those who have good attitudes. Those who have bad attitudes cannot reach the Lord and get the blessings of him even if they do 108 times parayana of Hanuman Chalisa or perform any poojas with strict rules and regulations.The result will be SOONYAM.
Taking The Oath on Bhagavath-Gita, inculcating Sath Sankalpa, inspiring yourselves towards Bhakti and Belief on words given by all Shastras (epics), uttering the word ‘RAMA’ once, doing the parayana of ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ once in a day will make Lord Hanuman to give his Darshan with an affectionate hands. This is my once for all a great belief.
JAI SRIRAM. 5-1-2013

I always recite one Mantra. I performed this Mantra as Vratam (pooja) for few days. After that for several years , I decided it as yagnam. This yagnam has turned out as Yaagam. Ultimately I believe that Yaagam will be transformed as YOGAM.
Therefore, ‘The Mantra I Recite’ = “ GOOD WORD”




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