By | February 9, 2012
                    We know that Lord SuryaBhagwan is pratyaksha daivam. If millions of such Surya Bhagwan assembled at one place, we feel a lot of divine energy being radiated.Such  emerging of Linga roopa of Lord Shiva with a great divine energy is the day of Shivarathri.This is given in all Shastras. As far as my knowledge is concerned, if we trust the shastras, all our sins will be wiped off.
Without any particular method, rules and regulations, only the SIVA PANCHAKSHARI MANTRAM can be chanted, i.e.” OM NAMAH SHIVAYA”. Chant the above manthra three times.
  • FIRST TIME, the papa karma of the earlier birth will be vanished.
  • SECOND TIME, we will be blessed with good health and wealth.
  • THIRD TIME, the rebirth will be the Uttama Janma.
But some have Dharma Sandeham (doubt) in the above points. Though chanted Shiva Namam thousand times they say that their problems were not solved. What I feel that even if we do Namajapam 1000 times or million times, our fate of Karma will be erased and will be blessed with wealth of wisdom. Lord ParamaShiva who is also called as Bhola Sankara will bless us only through proper sadhana. If this wealth of Sadhana is fulfilled , then Lord Shiva showers his blessings with  smaranam of shiva namam at once.
If we follow the method of attaining  SADHANA as given in Bhagavath Gita, Lord Shiva will definitely bless us. He makes our life as a sacred life. You will visualize the Shiva  Sakshathkaram.
“ Almighty always comes forward to help the good peoples good works. He will be Omni present before the occurrence of the situation. There is no doubt in this. There is a saying that the dirt which obstructs the flow in the canal gets accumulated in one place and stinks the atmosphere. Likewise the person who is greedy in all aspects will be sinking himself in the same way as such. Those who think that they can overcome the  death will do such things with a great short temper. To overcome such attitudes and get Satvika Guna, our Hindu festivals helps us a lot. On Maha ShivaRathri, let us devote and dedicate our self  to Bhola Shankara.
Health is Wealth. Now-a-days everyone are often unhealthy. The reason is “lack of proper awareness of spirituality”. Spirituality is nothing but to acquire meaningful, healthy and prosperous life.
When I came to know that Lord Hanuman is also called as Eeswaraamsa Sambhuta, since 27 years, I am performing this NamaJapam sometimes in a grand manner, sometimes alone when I have crucial times, sometimes in simple ways without fail. Lord Shivayya is showering his blessings on me till the day. So I advice you also to do the same and experience the same.
Do not waste time. The time that has passed never reverts back. After reaching the old age, if we retrospect the gone days and time, it is of no use. After a glance at the above content, if your not able to make up to Sanjeevini Peetam, you can do it in your places.
Lord Shiva is very fond of  Abhishekam. So on 10-3-2013 i.e.sunday,7.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m, there will be Panchamrutha Abhishekam of lord Shiva and March month Nakshatra pooja with  108 Red Cabbage.
With lots of Hanumath Smarana Aashirvadham    —   Mathaji


            ESWARA    DANDAKAM

Srikanta lokesa lokodhbava sthana samharakaree purari, murari priyachandradharee mahendradhi brundhara kanandha sandhoha sandhaaye, punya swarupa, virupaksha, dhakshadwara dwamsaka, deva nee dhaina thatvambu bhedhinchi buddhim pradhanambu karmambhu vignana madhayathma yogambhu sarvakriya karanam bandhu nana prakarambulan bhudhimanthul vicharinchuchun ninnu bhavinthu reesana sarveswara, sarva sarwagna sarwathmaka, nirvikalpa prabhava, bhavanipathy neevu lokathrayi varthanambun mahavayu khathagnee somarka thoyambulamchesi kaavinchi samsara chakrakriya yanthra vahunda vaithadideva mahadeva nithyambu nathyantha yogosthithin nirmala gnanadeepa prabhajala vidwastha nissara samsara mayandukaarul jithakrodha ragadidoshul yathattmul yathendrul bavathpada pankheru hadhyana dindeera dharanaboothin sadathrupthulai ravyaya bhavya sevya bhavabhargha bhattaraka, bhargavagasthyakutsadi nana muni sthothra datthavada lalatekshano gragmi basmakruthananga basmanulipthanga gangaadharaa nee prasadambunan sarva geervaana gandharvulun siddha sadhyoragendra surendradulan saswathaiswarya samprapthulai Eswaraa viswakartha, surabyarchitha naaku nabhyarthi thambul prasadimpu karanyamoorthy thrilokaikanatha, mahadevadeva namasthey namasthey namaha.



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