Yugadhi – Mathaji Talk {English}

By | March 1, 2012

                                                      Yugadi The beginning of a new era is celebrated as Yugadi which is followed by our Ancestors. We must also make our children to know the importance of this day. In Hindu Culture, Shadruchi(6 types of tastes) named pachadi (pickle) is made with these ingredients’ 1. Neem (bitter) – signifies  Thinking 2. Jaggery (sweet) – signifies  Happiness 3. Chillies (spicy) – signifies  Anger 4. Salt (salty) – signifies  Fear 5. Tamarind (sour) – signifies  Irritation /Disgusting 6. Raw Mango (sour) – signifies  Anxiety The main reason behind having this shadruchi  pachadi (pickle)  – Life comprises of sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, & surprise which has to be treated with equanimity. A question rises,”Why cannot we eat only the sweet and lead our life with happiness?” If we think like this, it is completely wrong because we must treat the ups & downs in our life equally. This pachadi (pickle) is made with above ingredients in equal proportions; it does not taste good if  there is  too much of spice, sour & salt.   Experiencing   life in a  systematic way is the main essence of this pachadi. After well thinking, if we assume that by eating sweetness always & feel we are happy, “How can we know the  happiness?”

  • Value of Happiness is not felt till we suffer pain.
  • Value of sweetness is not known till we taste the spicy things.
  • Value of brightness is not known till we get the darkness.
  • Value of life is known if death is there.

This shadruchi is offered to Lord, before having it. In Bhagavath Geeta, it says that if we ourselves surrender to Lord, He accepts us.There are many scientific reasons behind this pachadi. The pachadi is prepared with all shadruchi ingredients.  In the same way we must prepare our daily food with these ingredients equally. The health gets affected when our intake becomes  less or more in proportions. Balanced food is necessary & everyone should follow because our future health depends on this food. The era started, we came to the world & we do not know our lifespan. So to lead happy life, we must welcome our future with sufficient work, food & sleep. We must understand the true essence of this Yugadi festival.

“Sathayur  Vajradhehaya Sarva Sampath  Karayacha Sarvarista  Vinaasaya Nimbakam  Dhala  Bhakshanam”

We must recite this sloka when we are having this  pachadi.  The shadruchi signifies of 100 years of health & wealth, vajradheham, happiness & all obstacles will be washed away in our life. This pachadi with shadruchi & balanced diet will automatically enrich our life.

           In this Nandana Nama Samvastcharam, Yugadi celebrations will be on 22/3/2012 in Sanjeevini Peetam at 6pm.

Programme: 1) Importance of Yugadi 2) Discussions of Gunatraya Vibhaga Yogam (Bhagavath Geeta -14th chapter) 3) Oath for Future plans Yugadi  Subhakankshalu – Mathaji

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